Best Blowjob o ko sama purin'a . ra . mo^do 15 Girlfriends
[お子様ランチ] お子様プリン ア・ラ・モード 15 (C74)
#47252 - My missus Alison in contrast had gone absolutely bonkers and was set on revenge plain and simple, she had bought herself sexy gear (with my cash) and was getting herself toned up by working out every night, then about 3 weeks later I had come home from work to find a big hairy ginger Irishman shafting the shit out of her and her enjoying every second of it, she had said it was to be the first of many (at least as many as I had visits to the parlour) and then we could see if there was anything worth saving in our marriage, I had tried to placate her but it was a dangerous thing to do as it usually ended up with her trying to kill me whenever I touched her raw nerves, so it was that I shut up and let it take its course. “ thought you would like to see that” she said as she recovered “but that’s for later, you and I are going to hit the town tomorrow, you are going to get me another new cock”.