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#149767 - With his right hand under the water behind me, he guided his still proud manhood firmly into the cleft of my ass. He had the fascinating habit of sitting with one ankle crossed on top of his other knee, so that as I swam down the lane and approached his station at one end, I could see right up the leg of his blue shorts, within the darkness of which I could clearly see the rounded white shape of his “modesty-panel”, tantalizingly hiding as it did, his testicles and his penis – frustratingly beyond my reach! I used to imagine what they must be like – bunched in his groin, large and full, set in a nest of curls surrounding a silky-soft and olive-coloured penis, uncircumcised of course! At school, I had always been so shy in the showers that I had hardly ever seen another naked boy, except out of the corner of my eye. Then, without warning, he let go of me completely and disappeared beneath the water.

Read Big Penis Kigenzen 10000 Nen no Ota | 史前一萬年的宅男 Ch. 19-25 Russian Kigenzen 10000 Nen no Ota | 史前一萬年的宅男 Ch. 19-25

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